Medical Pedicures vs High Street Pedicures
It might seem more convenient to drop into your high street pedicurist to give your feet some love and attention during your lunchtime break. It can be a quick and easy fix to lift you when you’ve had a hard day. But, if you want to make sure your feet stay in the best condition, you might be better off visiting a foot specialist such as a podiatrist or chiropodist who has the right medical expertise for the care you need.
What is a Medical Pedicure?
Medical pedicures are carried out by qualified chiropodists and podiatrists who have had the training and skill development to identify foot conditions and undertake safe remedial work such as verruca removal, fungal nail treatment and correction of ingrowing toenails. It means that you get more than just a simple cosmetic procedure.
The Benefits of a Medical Pedicure
Whether you are male or female, young or old, medical pedicures go way beyond the simple cosmetic nail shaping and polish you may get from a high street beauty parlour (though you can get those too).
If you spend a lot of time on your feet, have been squeezing your toes into uncomfortable shoes, engage in regular sports activity or suffer from a condition such as diabetes, going to a qualified professional makes even more sense.
For guys who want to take care of their feet, it can be off-putting to make an appointment with a high street pedicurist – visiting a chiropodist or podiatrist adds a more medical slant and might just encourage them to go and get that foot problem seen to.
Medical pedicures can look at different aspects of your feet including the condition of your skin and even the bones underneath. They have the appropriate tools on hand, which high street pedicurists generally don’t, as well as more sophisticated technologies.
Removing hard skin and dealing with warts, callouses and conditions such as fungal nail infections requires a certain skill level that is not normally available in your average high street salon. In addition to this, chiropodists and podiatrists are very focussed on hygiene and preventing cross contamination, particularly important with conditions such as verrucas and Athlete’s Foot. Whilst high street pedicurists may use the same tools that have been soaked in disinfectant, medical pedicurists should employ one-time-only tools that come pre-packaged and are disposed of once they have been used.
Often high street pedicurists will have a higher turnover of staff and you cannot always guarantee the level of service you will receive. Because podiatrists and chiropodists are highly qualified you have a much better chance of getting the treatment and standard of service you expect.
The truth is that, if you want beautiful, healthy looking feet, then a visit to a medical pedicurist such as a chiropodist or podiatrist makes a lot of sense. At Beauchamp Foot Care we’ve been providing high quality services for the last 25 years, ensuring that your feet get the specialist care they need to keep you healthy and put a spring in your step. For more information or to make an appointment contact us today.
All information on this website is for general guidance only and is not intended as a substitute for the personal medical advice of health care professionals or your own doctor.